The first installment in the highly anticipated "Legends of the Dark Crystal"graphic novel series, titled "The Garthim Wars", is planned for release on November 13, 2007. The series, written by Barbara Randall Kebel with art by Max Kim, is being produced by The Jim Henson Company and TOKYOPOP.
The story of "Legends of the Dark Crystal" is a prequel to the 1982 film, and will showcase many of the established Dark Crystal characters (such as the Skeksis, the Mystics and Aughra) as well introduce many new characters (such as Larh and Neffi, two young Gelflings).
Details on the future installments have not been announced yet - however several more volumes are currently planned to follow. The first installment is already avaliable to pre-order from many online retailors - often retailing for under $10.
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